Escape game Prohibition

Company: Incognito Escape Room


La Rochelle, High Street, Dublin 8 ()

083 846 2700

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As trusted allies of the speakeasy's owner, players are the last line of defense against the looming threat of law enforcement. With the fate of their beloved hideout in their hands, they must outsmart the authorities to preserve their secret sanctuary and their freedom.
In the bustling heart of 1920s Chicago lies a seemingly innocent pub, a front for the lively speakeasy hidden within. The bar, filled with hidden compartments and clever disguises, buzzes with the clandestine thrill of Prohibition defiance.
Players are tasked with a daring feat: convert the underground speakeasy into a legitimate, non-alcoholic establishment before the police crackdown. This involves a high-stakes swap of every illicit bottle for mocktail counterparts without raising suspicion.

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